Friday, January 24, 2025

"I'm Taking A Stand On This...!!!"

 Last night, I happened to jump on-line to visit the Apogee Rockets website to check out the latest issues of the Peak of Flight newsletters.

I happened to run across the issue that contained Tim Van Milligan's article on rocket display stands (#597).

After reading this offering, I realized what a sorry state of affairs my own fleet was in when it came to display considerations.

Going back to my last post, it can be seen in the photographs that a number of my models are sitting on a mishmash of different stands. Several have none at all.

There are even a few 'motor-casing-glued-to-a-piece-of-cardboard' stands in the mix.


     Completely unacceptable!!!!

Must do something about this.

So, to remedy this overdue situation, I ventured into the workshop, broke out the woodworking tools and paint, and set to building attractive display stands for my fleet.

Here is the first batch:

Now only twenty or so more to go!


1 comment:

  1. Those look nice. I should probably do something like that for all of my stands, but..
    there is this new kit I got...
