Sunday, July 5, 2020

BAR Fleet #126 EAC Viper B

Source:  Estes Industries
Type:  Sport Model

Stages: Single
Engine Type:  13mm
Recovery:  Parachute

Length:  35.5cm
Diameter:  24.8mm
Weight Empty:  32.4g
Nose Cone:  Tangent Ogive - 4.7 caliber
Fin Type: Trapezoidal - Modified
Number of Fins: 4

Color Scheme:  White, Purple, Yellow/Orang. Trim – Black, violet, Yel/org.

Date Completed:  July 5, 2020

An Old-Fleet Rebuild

This model is a scratch re-build of the EAC Viper which was the exclusive model included in the Estes Aerospace Club membership kit introduced in 1973.  Like many rocketeers back in the day, I was an EAC member, and built the original included kit. I recall the model as being consistently well-performing in flight, so a BAR era re-build is a complete must.

Armed with a plastic nose that is close to the original, and a copy of the build plans from JimZ, I soon had a reasonable replica.

One major difference between this model and all other previously built recently during my BAR years is that it is entirely brush painted!  The paint choice is gloss craft paint from Hobby Lobby.  I mixed equal parts of yellow and orange to arrive at the trim colors.  Even though there are tiny brush lines visible, the overall paint job turned out very satisfactory.

Since the Viper is earmarked to be the new fleet flagship, extra decals were made showing my old NAR number and the NAR section of which I was a charter member back in 1973 (ROMAR #331).

I’m hoping to get 50 flights out of this new model.