That title kind of rhymes....
After writing yesterday's post, I seemed to recall something about the ROMAR section having those scopes stolen from us.
A quick check of my old back issues of the club news letter, The Cosmic Steppingstone, confirmed this.
In the March-April, 1974 issue, there appeared a write-up about the section's first NAR sanctioned Open Meet held on April 21, 1974. Here is an excerpt:
"It was soon after we broke for lunch that we found a two-legged snake had ripped off our East tracking station. The entire station was gone! Although a small search party went out looking for the snake, it was not found. A meeting of contestants was called, and due to the lack of an East station, the Peewee Payload event was dropped."
So, that explains the where-abouts of one of the scopes. Apparently, our club had not seen fit to keep anyone on the flying field during lunch break to watch over things.