Thursday, August 15, 2024

No Posts Here For Awhile

Thank all of you blog readers for checking in.  You've likely noticed there hasn't been much in the way of new posting here lately.

3 reasons:

1 - Lots of life happening and things going on with family.

2 -  I recently acquired a huge stash of used LEGO pieces - over 15,000 - that I have spent a good part of the past month cleaning, sanitizing, sorting and integrating into my existing collection.  This entailed re-vamping my entire storage system I had in place to accommodate a whole new crap-ton of ABS !!  I pretty much had to get this done because the 10 storage containers that the parts came in were inconveniently in the way and underfoot.

If any of you are interested, I write a parallel LEGO blog.  Pretty good read!  The link is on the right, here on my blog page under 'All My Other Blog Pages'.  It's the "Tales From The Double Decker Couch LEGO Blog".

3.  I've got a music band together and have been immersed in preparing song charts, a set list, practice, and rehearsing for a gig coming up in late September.

All this has left very little time for anything model rocketry related.  I haven't built any new rockets the entire year, save for the two booster stages I posted about recently.  I've only done one launch session that netted only four flights.   The airbrush I bought last Spring hasn't even been used once.  In fact, the paint station and paint booth I built is currently blocked from use by a large PA speaker and stand that is being used for band rehearsals in the basement workshop area.

Heck, I didn't even make the 70 mile jaunt down I-25 to attend even one day of NARAM-65 !!

Once I make it past the gig and some other family concerns, I'll have the time to, once again, flick on the basement lights and fire up the BlastFromThePast rocket operation again.

On a brighter note, the fields at Dove Valley Regional Park are finally open again, so as soon as a day of good wind and weather conditions shows up on the radar, I will initiate another Front Range rocket launch.  I'm hoping that will happen within the next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned !

I certainly am....

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