Friday, August 12, 2022

2022 Binge Build, Part 5 - First Model Ready For Finishing!

The RASCAL Rocket Glider is now fully assembled and ready for the final surface prep and coloring.

Since this one doesn't require the extensive amount of balsa filling and sanding, it was easy to break away from the pack of other binge-build models.

The only time-consuming (and dusty) operation consisted of sanding the root-to tip-taper and the airfoil on the wings.

Next step is to hit the model with a light coat of white sandable primer then break out the permanent markers.

Stay tuned ..


  1. Beautiful Ed. Scratch built, right?

  2. Hi, Tim,
    Yes, this is a total scratch build.
    The Rascal is a 1/2A (Hornet class in old NAR parlance) competition rocket/glider designed by Paul Conner. Plans were published in the October 1973 issue of Model Rocketry Magazine.

  3. Oops - my mistake... the above publication should be the 'Model Rocketeer' Magazine.
