Back in my 'old fleet days' (1973-1984), I was on-and-off editor of the ROMAR club news letter, as well as a frequent contributor of material to the same.
That included cartoons.
Since childhood, I had always had an interest in drawing and cartoon art.
In the early eighties, I entertained some ideas of trying to become a freelance cartoonist. I managed to land several commissions for ad art for local businesses, as well as selling a few cartoons here and there to national magazines. The trouble with the latter was that I would often draw up and submit fifteen to twenty cartoons per packet to a magazine of which maybe one or two would get selected for publication. The pay wasn't too great per piece, so I found that this was not a really lucrative route to take. Too little return for the amount of time expended.
Any dream of getting a cartoon strip into syndication to newspapers was very much out of the question, since the competition is so great, and my drawing abilities were definitely not in the same class as what was already out there.
So, I pretty much stuck to drawing cartoons for my own personal portfolio and for my own entertainment.
Occasionally, I would work up a model rocket related cartoon for the news letter.
Here are a couple I have found and scanned......
A little note on this last one: The ROMAR section traded news letters with the old WARP club out in Utah. This cartoon turned out to be a favorite of a one Mr. Randall Redd.
I wonder why?
Another note: Would those happen to be CMR ceramic blast deflectors on the launch rack?