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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Back In The Day, Part 47 - A Little Tidbit From An Old Estes Model Rocket News Issue

I happened to be spending some time last evening looking through some of my PDF files of old Estes Industries' Model Rocket News, when I ran across this long-forgotten article from the April/May 1974 issue: 

The Colorado Springs club mentioned in the article was the organization I belonged to back in the 'old fleet' days. 
'Skywatchers Rocket Club' was the name given to the ROMAR (Rocky Mountain Association of Rocketry, NAR Section 331) club during some years when we weren't chartered as an NAR section due to the lack of the required number of NAR members.

I recall participating several times in Estes' Build-Up program back in the 1970s in which clubs would build models for the company to take to trade shows and public promotional demonstration launches.
Of course, we were required to give the models our very best workmanship, since these were display versions.  Many times, the birds were intended only as static display models, so we weren't required to install motor mounts or recovery systems. 
Estes would compensate our efforts with merchandise certificates which were used by the club to purchase model kits for competition meet prizes.
'Em were the goodle days!

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