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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

More Time For Rockets !!!

Today, as of 11 a.m. MST, I officially leave the work force and begin my retirement years!

After 42+ years in the electronics technology industry, I'm finally hanging up my oscilloscope probes.

Of course, this will mean having plenty more time for hanging out with family, as well as pursuing my two major passions: model rocketry and music.  

I can safely say that I am another one of those individuals who can claim that involvement in the hobby of model rocketry played a major role in steering me into a lifelong technical career.

My journey has led me through working at places like Ampex Corp., Apple Computers, Echostar Technologies, the A/V shops of large school districts, a company that produced Gallium Arsenide Crystal's (Crystal Specialties), Minolta Copiers, and two medical device companies (MKS and Diversatek Healthcare).

It's been a ride!

Now, I can perhaps find the time to finish up that Steampunk Protostar.....


  1. Congratulations! I hope you find fulfilling projects.

    May all your parachutes land on clear, open ground.

  2. Enjoy your retirement Ed and enjoy the fulltime builds now!

    1. Thanks, All,
      I'm already rolling on getting a number of unfinished projects completed.

  3. Congrats Ed! Enjoy your retirement.

    Kind of ironic - I’ve been looking for a silly scope this past week. Amazing what’s available now.

  4. There are some units on the market that have probes and an interface unit that, through USB, turn your PC into an o-scope. I have a couple of EE buddies who have them. They say they work fine for home electronics workbenches applications. Units start at $150. Not bad for an o-scope.

  5. Congrats on your retirement Ed!!

    Now is the time for all of those little projects that you never had time for.


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