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Sunday, June 11, 2017

More Little Joe II Stuff

For those of you who might like to try your hand at scratch building a Little Joe II model rocket in whatever scale, there was a good set of scale drawings published in the September, 1969 issue of Model Rocketry Magazine.
The plans can be found starting on page 44 in the Model Rocketeer section.

This issue of MRm can be found on Ninfinger.  Here's the link:


  1. Great info, Ed. I had wanted to do a LJII clone a couple of years ago but the non-availability of parts stopped me. When Estes started selling the Apollo capsule and LES in 1/70 scale a while back, that was my green light. Apogee has generic styrene corrugated wrap. Hardest part was the specialty tube ( at 3.42" dia.). Wound up cutting a vertical strip out of a bt-101 tube and reforming to the smaller diameter, with the cut strip as an internal glue tab. Not patient enough to form the fin elevens out of balsa, so left those off. Downloaded the old Centuri plans/instructions. Came out great!
    Toying with the idea of getting the Sirius Rocketry Apollo capsule and LES and making a 1/64 scale LJII. We'll see. Cheers!

  2. Correction: after double checking the old plans, the correct term is RCS fairing and longerons, not elevons.

  3. Correction #2: The Estes Apollo capsule should read 1/45 scale, not 1/70. Thinking about the smaller kit.
