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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Some Nifty Rocket Display Stands

In fulfilling my promise to Mrs. BlastFromThePast concerning keeping my model rocketry activities nice and pretty, I have been setting about fashioning some attractive display stands for the model collection.

Since I also enjoy the pleasures of hand tool woodworking, the new stands are built completely with vintage tools.

Cut is made using a backsaw and a bench hook.
First, a piece of 1x4 pine is marked off for a cut.

Clean up the cut edges with a file…

Mark the center with an awl for boring a hole for a support dowel…

An "Old Timey" brace and auger bit to bore the hole. 
In this case a number 6 auger is being used to make the hole for a 3/8” dowel.  
Vintage augers bits are stamped with a number that represents how many 16ths of an inch of diameter they are.

One edge beveled at approx. 45 degrees using a smoothing plane…

The Completed base.

Cutting the dowel to length with a razor saw….

Dowel glued into place….
A spent 13mm model rocket engine
casing is glued to the end of the dowel….

Application of little matte
black acrylic paint…
And finally, a few squares of felt glued to the bottom of the base…

Another in a fine and dandy set of model rocket display stands!

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