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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Fresh Off The Drawing Board...

 The other day I was watching the morning news when a story was aired about Elon Musk's new Tesla-Bot, a human sized/shaped AI robot.

The Tesla company stated that the unit would be capable of performing those mundane, repetitive, time-consuming tasks that we humans would rather not do ourselves.

This got me to pondering about how such a device could be put to use in the realm of model rocketry.

Let's see....what model rocket building operation could possibly be classified as mundane or repetitive?  Or time-consuming?

Cutting out parts? No.

Gluing on fins? Nope.

Painting? Not really.

Applying decals? Nyet.

Building parachutes? Maybe.

Wait a minnit! What about filling and sanding balsa wood grain?

Yeah, that's the one !!!

 I think we can all agree that this interminable task is number one on the list of model rocket building procedures that could use a good dose of automation.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in my off-beat world, a cartoon is worth a thousand pictures. 

So, me being me, here goes...