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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Back In The Day, Part 33 - A Very Funky Citation Patriot

 As I was writing yesterday's post about the newly built Citation Patriot, I was reminded that, somewhere in my photo files, I had a picture of one of the original Patriots that a Skywatchers/ROMAR member had flown at a sport meet in Colorado Springs sometime around 1975 or so.

I found that photo.  Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture?

Yep, you got it.....the fins were glued on wrong!

Apparently, this model must have been built by a younger member or a visitor.  

One who wasn't versed in the 'grain runs with the leading edge' rule of model rocket building.

My question is:  Where was the acting club RSO for this one?

Fortunately, I don't remember the outcome of this flight....

BAR Fleet #128 - Citation Patriot

Source: Estes Industries

Kit # 000652

Sport Model - Single stage 

18mm motor type

Diameter: 41.5mm

Length: 65.5cm

Empty weight: 89.2g

Nose: 4 caliber tangent olive

Fins: (3) modified tapered swept.

Color Scheme: white, black, with gold, red, and blue trim.

Date completed: September 24, 2020

A Classic Estes Model Rocket

The new Patriot kit was a Christmas present last year from one of my daughters, but I just now got around to building it.  Even though I greatly admired the rocket back in the old days, one was never built as part of the fleet.

This model was a lot of fun to build.  The original intent was to install a 24mm motor mount, however, since the lion's share of my flying is done on smaller fields, I stuck with the stock 18mm version.  I still anticipate that it will be a kick to fly on B and C motors, perhaps taking a keychain cam along for the occasional ride.

One item of note: while most of the model was painted with spray enamel, the single black fin was brush painted with gloss black acrylic.  It takes a really close examination to detect any difference in the two finishes!

I am increasingly becoming a fan of brush painting model rockets, and will likely be choosing that method for other upcoming builds.

I highly anticipating seeing this Patriot in flight!