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Friday, March 1, 2019

The Winter Blues

I'm suffering from a really bad case.

As far as model rocketry goes, I'm strictly a fair-weather flier.  That wasn't the case back in my old fleet days.  Back then I didn't mind heading out for club launches on days when the temperature didn't top forty degrees, and wind chill made it even colder.  Occasionally, launching would take place on fairly nice days when the field was still covered with snow from a recent storm.

Now, in my advancing years, I refuse to venture out with rockets and range box in hand unless the temperature is in the high fifties or above and wind does not exceed seven mph.  And no snow on the ground....  

This past several months in Colorado, these conditions have just not happened.  Instead, it has been a relatively cold winter, with regular snow storms, wind, and temperatures hanging mostly around freezing. 

The days that have reached up into the fifties have been on my work days.


So, the rockets have remained on their display stands.

Anyway, as I gazed wistfully out the window at the recent falling snow, I was reminded of a cartoon I drew back in 1980 for publication in the ROMAR club news letter, the Cosmic Steppingstone

I found the issue and scanned the cartoon for posting here....
